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Taking a stand

This is an occasional blog. I don't always think I have a topic to write about. Sometimes a theme emerges through a series of events and I recognise the links. This week's theme has been about standing up for yourself. It started with my elderly cat. He went out for a late evening constitutional before bed. I heard an unholy row outside, a real cat fight. When I dashed out to see what was going on, I realised he was in the middle of a stand off with a fox, who had backed off down the drive. I was concerned but my cat was thrilled with himself. He dashed round the flat like a kitten, pumped full of adrenalin, and even wanted to go out again. The next day I was in the coffee bar at the Showroom Cinema. It was unusually busy for the time of day. I spotted an old friend who explained why. Helen Pankhurst had just given a talk to a U3A group. It made me think of all the amazing Pankhurst and Suffragette material we had in the Greater Manchester County Archives when I worked there, i...

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