
When I started this new blog, in spite of the title, I didn't imagine it would be quite as full of natural history as it's turning out to be. Last week I went to my wonderful local cafe and music venue, Cafe #9. I saw a favourite local singer songwriter James Ewan Tait and a fantastic Canadian singer songwriter Mo Kenney. I headed home after a lovely evening. As I approached the front door of my small block of flats a movement caught my eye. An animal scurried off in the direction of the wall at the end of the close. To my amazement, it was a badger. I don't know which of us was the more surprised. We had a good look at one another. They climbed up the fence onto a raised bank and disappeared off into the bushes that connect with the next gardens. I've spent evenings in remote Derbyshire dales in the hope of spotting one of these elusive creatures, only to be disappointed. I couldn't believe one was literally on my front doorstep!


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